Syed Ul Wara Urdu By Qazi Abdul Daim Pdf


Book Name: Syed Ul Wara Urdu

Writer: Qazi Abdul Daim Daim

The book Syed Ul Wara Urdu Pdf is an excellent writing on the life and Seerat of the Prophet of Islam. Qazi Abdul Daim is the author of the book. He mentioned the whole lifecycle of the Holy Prophet SAW. He described the teachings, wars, and meetings of Rasool Allah SAW.

Qazi Abdul Daim was a great scholar of Islam who authored some excellent books on Islam’s teachings. He wrote this book and gained much fame. Qazi Abdul Daim got civilian awards for his work on Seerat Un Nabi. I hope you like reading the Syed Ul Wara Urdu Pdf and sharing it with your friends.

Here you can download the Seerat Un Nabi books in Urdu Pdf. You may read Hisn e Haseen Urdu, Seerat Rasool e Arabi, and Encyclopedia Seerat Un Nabi Urdu. If you like, subscribe to our website for updates about new book posts.

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