Razm Bazm Novel By Ilyas Sitapuri Pdf Download


Book Name: Razm Bazm Novel

Writer: Ilyas Sitapuri

The book Razm Bazm Novel Pdf is a collection of some great historical stories. Ilyas Sitapuri is the author of the book. He describes the lifespan and rule of Sultan Muhammad Fateh, Sultan Tipu, and the Halakoo Khan. He discussed some significant events of their ruling time.

Ilyas Sitapuri was a famous story writer and novelist in Urdu. He authored many favorite books and novels. Most of his books are in the history of the world and the Muslims. I hope you like to read the book Razm Bazm Novel Pdf by Ilyas Sitapuri and share it with your friends.

Here you can download Ilyas Sitapuri Novels in pdf. You may read Awara Gard Badshah, Dushman Ahd O Paiman Novel, and Chandra Devi Novel. If you like more, you can subscribe to our website to get updates about fresh posts.


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