Matoob e Waqt Novel By Ilyas Sitapuri Pdf Free


Book Name: Matoob e Waqt Novel

Writer: Ilyas Sitapuri

The book Matoob e Waqt Novel Pdf is an excellent collection of two great history stories by Ilyas Sitapuri. In this book, the writer told the story of Ibrahim, a musician and singer in the times of the Caliph Hadi. In the other story, he discussed the bravery of Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed R.A.

Ilyas Sitapuri was a famous story writer and novelist of Urdu. He had an excellent command of the history and produced some great stories and novels. He brought many historical facts on the papers. I hope you like to read the book Matoob e Waqt Novel Pdf and share it.

Here you can download Ilyas Sitapuri Novels in pdf. You may read Tareekh e Alam, Tu Man Shudi Novel, and Lado Rani Novel Urdu.

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