Faateh Haroon Ul Rasheed By Harold Lamb Pdf


Book Name: Faateh Haroon Ul Rasheed

Writer: Harold Lamb

The book Faateh Haroon Ul Rasheed Pdf is excellent writing by Harold Lamb. The writer described the life, rule, reforms, governance, and administration of Haroon Ul Rasheed. He was a great ruler of Abbassid Caliphate. He established a stable governance system which continued for many years.

Harold Lamb was a great writer, scholar, and historian of English. He authored many great history books, novels, and biographies. He penned the life history of the great personalities of the world. I hope you like to read the book Faateh Haroon Ul Rasheed Pdf and share it.

Here you can download Harold Lamb books in Urdu Pdf. You may read Suleman Aalishan Urdu, Teen Azeem Fateh Urdu, and Noor Mehal Urdu.

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