Hansna Rona Mana Hay By Ata Ul Haq Qasmi Pdf


Book Name: Hansna Rona Mana Hay

Writer: Ata Ul Haq Qasmi

The book Hansna Rona Mana Hay Pdf is an excellent collection of some columns and essays by Ata Ul Haq Qasmi. In these columns, the writer describes many characters, social activities, and events. He criticized and satire the habits of the community.

Ata Ul Haq Qasmi is a famous writer, humorist, drama writer, and columnist. He authored dozens of books that earned much fame for him. Ata Ul Haq Qasmi is writing a regular column in a daily newspaper of Urdu. I hope you like to read the book Hansna Rona Mana Hay Pdf and share it with your friends.

Here you can download Ata Ul Haq Qasmi Books in pdf. You may read Jurm e Zareefi Urdu, Kulliyat Kanhaiya Lal Kapoor, and Zara Hat Ke. If you like more, you can subscribe to our website to get updates about new book posts.

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