Hazaron Khwahishen Novel By Aleem Ul Haq Pdf


Book Name: Hazaron Khwahishen Novel

Writer: Aleem Ul Haq Haqi

The book Hazaron Khwahishen Novel Pdf is an excellent social, romantic, and suspense story by Aleem Ul Haq Haqi. In this novel, the writer describes the life of a greedy man who wanted to become rich in one night. He started to deceive the people with tricks and collected a lot of money. In the end, he lost every luxury of life that he earned with illegal acts.

Aleem Ul Haq was a legend story writer, translator, and novelist of Urdu. He wrote much for the digests and magazines that gained a high readership. In his career, Aleem Ul Haq authored dozens of novels and translated some books from English to Urdu. I hope you like to read the book Hazaron Khwahishen Novel Pdf and share it with your contacts.

Here you can download New Urdu Novels by Aleem Ul Haq Pdf. You may read Shaftaloo Ka Perh Novel, Count Down Novel, and Roop Kund Ki Roopa Novel. If you like, you can subscribe to our website to get updates about new book posts.

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