Kuliyaat e Niazi By Alhaj Abdul Sattar Niazi Pdf


Book Name: Kuliyaat e Niazi

Writer: Alhaj Abdul Sattar Niazi

The book Kuliyaat e Niazi Pdf is a poetry collection by Alhaj Abdul Sattar Niazi. The book contains Naats, Qasida, Manqabat, etc. In his poetry, Abdul Sattar Niazi showed his love for the Prophet SAW of Islam. He quoted the references of the Holy Quran and the Hadiths in praise of the Holy Prophet SAW.

Abdul Sattar Niazi was a famous writer, poet, and scholar. He compiled many excellent Naats in praise of the Prophet of Islam. He got famous for his Punjabi Kalam which is reciting in all the Mahafils of the Ahle Sunnat. Now, you can read the book Kuliyaat e Niazi Pdf online and share it with your social media friends.

Now you can subscribe to our website for updates about fresh book posts. You may read Kuliyaat e Munir, Kuliyaat e Zahoori, and Kulliyat e Bedam Warsi. Here you can download Alhaj Abdul Sattar Niazi Books in pdf.

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