Mawra e Sarab By Ahmed Rafique Akhtar Pdf


Book Name: Mawra e Sarab

Writer: Prof Ahmed Rafique Akhtar

The book Mawra e Sarab pdf is a collection of some lectures. Ahmed Rafique Akhtar is the author of the book. These sermons were delivered on different occasions. Professor Ahmed Rafique Akhtar is a great scholar of Islam. He has a vast knowledge of Islamic teachings and modern research. He is heading an institution called Alamaat to educate the people.

Professor Ahmed Rafique Akhtar is an excellent fan of Syed Ali Hajveri. He explains the teachings of Islam and Sufism. He promotes knowledge and humanity in the community. I hope you like the book Mawra e Sarab Pdf and find it helpful.

Here you can download the Ahmed Rafique Akhtar Books in pdf. Now you may read Muqadma Tul Quran, Hayat e Jaan e Kainat, and Ghazwa e Tabook. Now you can subscribe to our website for updates about new book posts.

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