Sultan Shamas Ud Din Altamash By Idrees Azad Pdf


Book Name: Sultan Shamas Ud Din Altamash

Writer: Idrees Azad

The book Sultan Shamas Ud Din Altamash Pdf is a historical novel by Idrees Azad. The author describes the life, rule, wars, and achievements of Sultan Iltutmash, the third Sultan of the Dehli dynasty. He was the most pious ruler who became a Sultan from an enslaved person.

Idrees Azad is a famous novel writer, journalist, philosopher, and poet. He authored some excellent history books and some other material. He adopted an attractive writing style to pen history. I hope you like to read the Sultan Shamas Ud Din Altamash Pdf by Idrees Azad and share it with your friends.

You can read it online or download Idrees Azad Books in pdf on our site. You may read Sultan Mohammad Fateh Novel, Sultan Tipu Shaheed Novel,  and Bint e Halab. If you like, subscribe to our website for updates about new book posts.

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