Target Kahuta Novel By Tariq Ismail Sagar Pdf


Book Name: Target Kahuta Novel

Writer: Tariq Ismail Sagar

The book Target Kahuta Novel Pdf is written in the context of the Iraq and American wars. Tariq Ismail Sagar is the author of the book. He discussed the war on terror, which seriously damaged the unity and peace in Muslim countries. The alliance of Jews and Christians wanted to destroy Pakistan. The writer told the conspiracies of India against Pakistan.

Tariq Ismail Sagar is an excellent name in Urdu novel writing. He has a vast knowledge of military matters. He used his information in his stories which made it more useful. I hope you like to read the book Target Kahuta Novel Pdf by Tariq Ismail Sagar and share it with your friends.

Here you can find Urdu Action Novels by Tariq Ismail Sagar in pdf. You may read Third Agency Urdu, Gandi Gali Novel, and Shimlay Ka Swami Novel. Now you can subscribe to our website for updates about fresh book posts.

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