Arabi Dosheeza Novel By Sadiq Hussain Siddiqui Pdf


Book Name: Arabi Dosheeza Novel

Writer: Sadiq Hussain Siddiqui

The book Arabi Dosheeza Novel Pdf is an excellent history story by Sadiq Hussain Siddiqui. In this novel, the writer describes the wars of Hazrat Umar R.A’s time, the second Caliph of the Muslims. He mentioned the bravery of a girl who later embraced Islam.

Sadiq Hussain Siddiqui Sardhanvi was a great writer, historian, and novelist. He authored many excellent books and novels, which got much readership. Sadiq Hussain Siddiqui compiled the history of Islam on the pattern of a story. I hope you like to read the book Arabi Dosheeza Novel Pdf and share it with your friends.

Here you can download the Sadiq Hussain Siddiqui Novels in pdf. You may read Sultan Feroz Shah Tughlaq, 1857 Ke Chand Aham Kirdar, and Ammad Ud Din Zangi. If you wish more, subscribe to our website for updates about new book posts.

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