Cobran Imran Series By Mazhar Kaleem MA Pdf


Book Name: Cobran Imran Series

Writer: Mazhar Kaleem MA

The book Cobran Imran Series Pdf is an action, suspense, and thrilling story which is a part of Imran Series Mazhar Kaleem. In this story, the writer talked about an international gang involved in the kidnapping of women and children from Pakasia. They had the main office in a European country and operated in the third world. When Ali Imran and his team aware of this racket, they started action against this evil. They destroyed the headquarter of this organization and killed their agents.

Mazhar Kaleem is the first name in the modern favorite fiction writer who had a long career as a professional writer. He authored hundreds of stories and novels but earned fame for his Imran Series and other action novels. He introduced a unique writing style and many new super characters in his stories. Mazhar Kaleem talked about many new inventions and scientific theories. I hope you like to read Cobran Imran Series Pdf and share it.

Here you can download Imran Series Mazhar Kaleem Pdf. If you like, you can subscribe to our website. You may read Das Karor Main Do Shaitan, Black Day, and Special Forces.

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