Golden Agent Imran Series By Mazhar Kaleem Pdf


Book Name: Golden Agent Imran Series

Writer: Mazhar Kaleem MA

The book Golden Agent Imran Series Pdf is another part of the Imran Series Mazhar Kaleem. It contains a thrilling, action, adventure, and suspense story about the successful mission of the Pakasia secret service. It was the time when Black Thunder launched some agents that had high capabilities.

Ali Imran met in a fight with a top lady agent who injured him. Later, she took him to a hospital and arranged his treatment. Some other strange events happened in this mission that was penned the first time. In the end, Ali Imran achieved his target and defeated the enemies.

Mazhar Kaleem MA was a trendsetter novelist and famous story writer of Urdu. In his brilliant writing career, he authored hundreds of stories and books. Moreover, Mazhar Kaleem MA has the credit of Imran Series penned in dozens of volumes. I hope you like reading the Golden Agent Imran Series Pdf book and sharing it with your friends.

Here you can download Imran Series Mazhar Kaleem Pdf. You may read Red Craft, Last Warning, and Kakana Island. If you like more, subscribe to our website for updates about new book posts.

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