Hawas Zada Crime Stories By Malik Safdar Hayat Pdf


Book Name: Hawas Zada Novel

Writer: Malik Safdar Hayat

Hawas Zada Novel Pdf is a collection of some crime stories and its investigation report. Malik Safdar Hayat is the author of the book. He is a former police officer and the author of some excellent books. He compiled his service experience in the shape of the stories.

In this book, Malik Safdar Hayat also discussed the reasons for the crime. He told about the psyche of the criminals at the time of the offense. He mentioned the rural environment and the political situation in Punjab. I hope you like the book Hawas Zada Novel Pdf by Malik Safdar Hayat and share it with your social media contacts.

Here you can download Malik Safdar Hayat Stories in pdf. You may read Teesra Zavia, Teen Bata Aik, and Jhumkon Ki Jori Novel. If you like, you can subscribe to our website to get updates about new books.

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