Jalaluddin Akbar Urdu By Aslam Rahi MA Pdf


Book Name: Jalaluddin Akbar

Writer: Aslam Rahi MA

The book Jalaluddin Akbar Pdf is an Urdu biography of Jalal Ud Din Muhammad Akbar, the third Mughal emperor in India. He was the grandson of Zaheer Ud Din Babar, the founder of the Mughal dynasty. Akbar ruled India for a half-century and introduced many reforms. Aslam Rahi MA describes all the details in this book.

Aslam Rahi MA is a prominent name in Urdu story writing and novel writing. He authored more than one hundred books and most of them on history. Aslam Rahi MA compiled the past in the shape of a novel and made it attractive. I hope you like to read the book Jalaluddin Akbar Pdf and share it.

Here you can download Aslam Rahi MA Books in pdf. You may read Makran History Urdu, Muntakhib Ul Tawarikh, and Aurangzaib Alamgir. If you wish more, you can subscribe to our website to get updates about fresh posts.

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