Jasoosi Duniya Jild 40 Urdu By Ibne Safi Pdf


Book Name: Jasoosi Duniya Jild 40

Writer: Ibne Safi

The book Jasoosi Duniya Jild 40 Pdf is a part of a famous series of the books by Ibne Safi. It contains two super hit great thrill, adventure, and action stories which are full of suspense. The writer explained the actions of Colonel Faridi and his team against the enemies of their country.

Ibne Safi was a prominent writer of Urdu and a prolific novelist. He authored hundreds of the stories and novels which mostly read until today. Ibne Safi introduced many lifetime characters in his stories. I hope you like to read the book Jasoosi Duniya Jild 40 Pdf and share it.

Here you can download Ibne Safi Novels in pdf. You may read Jasoosi Duniya Jild 37, Jasoosi Duniya Jild 38, and Jasoosi Duniya Jild 39.

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