Tajalliyat Naat Poetry By Mazhar Ud Din Pdf


Book Name: Tajalliyat Urdu

Writer: Hafiz Mazhar Ud Din

The book Tajalliyat Urdu Pdf is a poetry collection by Hafiz Mazhar Ud Din. The book contains many Hamd, Naat, and Salam. The writer showed his love for the Prophet of Islam through his words. He taught the other Muslims the lesson of love for Allah, his Rasool, and Ahlebait.

Hafiz Mazhar Ud Din was a famous poet, scholar, writer, and Naat reciter. He authored some great books, which gained public fame. Hafiz Mazhar Ud Din got the general title of Hasan Ul Asar for his outstanding services in Naat. I hope you like to read the book Tajalliyat Urdu Pdf and share it.

Here you can download Hafiz Mazhar Ud Din books in pdf. You may read Kalam e Bedam, Kuliyaat e Niazi, and Kuliyaat e Zahoori. Now you can subscribe to our website for updates about fresh book posts.

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